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What Is Your Gut Feeling Today?

Your Health Matters - Start Loving Your Gut Today!



The largest immunity organ                                of our human body!


Why Should Anyone Take Probiotic ?

  • Numerous research has consistently shown that bacteria are essential to our health. Not only are good bacteria essential to our bowel function but also to all aspects of our bodily functions.

  • Good bacteria play a crucial role in determining how much nutrients we absorb and can determine whether we become fat or thin. It teaches our immune system how to develop, mature and function in the most optimum condition.

  • Good bacteria help us to effectively handle infections, toxins and allergies.

  • Research even found that our intestinal bacteria composition influences our mood and behaviour!

Keep our good bacteria in maximum quantity in our gut and they will keep us healthy!

Probiotic Is Recommended For Person(s) Who Are :

People concerned with imbalanced flora due to:

- Busy and stressful lifestyles

- Unbalanced diet

- On / after antibiotics

- Conditions such as diarrhoea, constipation, food poisoning, indigestion and IBS/IBD  

Highly recommended for person(s) who are :

- Family/long history of colon-related issues 

- Suffering allergy disorders eg. eczema, atopic dermatitis, cedar pollinosis etc

- Frequent travellers

- Irregular bowel habits and stressful lifestyle

- Low immunity with frequent bouts of falling sick

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We don’t have any products to show right now.


What Made RW Gut Care Different From Other Probiotic Supplements

RW Gut Care contains 3 multi award-winning Bifidobacterium strains from Morinaga Milk Industry. Since the launch of the strains in 1972, there have been more than 150 published human clinical studies. These human-origin strains have the highest clinical-efficacies on improving our human health. The probiotics have been proven to be highly effective and used by worldwide professionals in hospitals, clinics, practitioners, pharmacists, including Neonatal Intensive Care Units for premature infants.

Gut Care also contains premium Lactoferrin from Morinaga Milk Industry. Lactoferrin is key to fighting infections and boosting immunity, especially with eradicating fatal bacteria such as Salmonella.

To complete the full synbiotic health benefits, Gut Care also contains plant-based prebiotic fibre, Fibersol®, with more than 100 published scientific studies on human health. This further boosts the efficacy of the probiotics in this formulation.

There is no need to refrigerate Gut Care. A special formulation production technology ensures superb stability of the live bacteria, keeping them alive till it reaches our gut where they work.

With a guaranteed minimum 10bil cfu dosage at time of consumption, these long-established Bifido strains will be able to deliver the optimum efficacy in your gut and support your good health!



Lactoferrin is a key iron-binding protein that was previously found mainly in human breast milk only. Colostrum, the first milk produced after a baby is born, contains high levels of lactoferrin, about seven times the amount found in milk produced later on. Lactoferrin is also found in fluids in the eye, nose, respiratory tract, intestine, and elsewhere.

Lactoferrin is used for treating stomach and intestinal ulcers, diarrhoea, and hepatitis C. It is also used as an antioxidant and to protect against bacterial and viral infections. Other uses include stimulating the immune system, preventing tissue damage related to aging, promoting healthy intestinal bacteria, preventing cancer, and regulating the way the body processes iron. Lactoferrin helps regulate the absorption of iron in the intestine and delivery of iron to the cell.

With advanced technology and research, Morinaga Milk Industry (Japan) is the pioneer to produce Lactoferrin from cows’ milk. This allows the highly-effective health benefits of Lactoferrin to be more accessible to the general consumers especially for infants, children and elderly. Gut Care uses premium-grade Lactoferrin from Morinaga Milk Industry. This unique blend of probiotics and Lactoferrin in Gut Care fully maximises the efficacy in our human gut.

Diarrhoea? Food Poisoning? Vomitting?

Video : Watch Lactoferrin's Inhibitory Effect on Salmonella

This video shows how Lactoferrin acts in our body to inhibit the bacteria, and overcome salmonellosis. 

Salmonella infection (salmonellosis) is a common bacterial disease that affects the intestinal tract. Humans become infected most frequently through contaminated water or food.

Typically, people develop diarrhoea, fever and abdominal cramps within eight to 72 hours. In some cases, the diarrhea associated with salmonella infection can be so dehydrating as to require prompt medical attention. Life-threatening complications also may develop if the infection spreads beyond your intestines. 


Lactoferrin's Effect on Coronavirus


Coronaviruses are a type of virus. There are many different kinds, and some cause disease. A newly identified coronavirus, SARS-CoV-2, has caused a worldwide pandemic of respiratory illness, called COVID-19.

Coronaviruses are named for their appearance: Under the microscope, the viruses look like they are covered with pointed structures that surround them like a corona, or crown.

There are many different kinds of coronaviruses. Some of them can cause colds or other mild respiratory (nose, throat, lung) illnesses. Other coronaviruses can cause more serious diseases, including severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) and Middle East respiratory syndrome (MERS).

(1) Inhibition of SARS Pseudovirus Cell Entry by Lactoferrin Binding to Heparan Sulfate Proteoglycans

Published online 22 Aug 2011

doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0023710

(2) Liposomal Lactoferrin as Potential
Preventative and Cure for COVID-19

Published 24 Mar 2020

doi: 10.5530/ijrhs.8.1.3



Who We Are, Our Origins and Beliefs

 “Rinsho” in Japanese stands for “Clinical”. As our name implies, “Rinsho Wellness” main focus is on “Clinical Wellness”, using only clinically-effective key ingredients and products to improve our health and quality of life.

“Rinsho Wellness” is founded and consisting of a trio of close associates with their extensive background in food science, research and health wellness for more than 50 years.

Having faced health issues in our earlier years, we started in-depth look into various supplement products in the market to see how they can help to address our health issues. After a market check, we found there are many products addressing many various conditions and organs of our body. However, there were very few quality products that addressed issues relating to our GUT. The only way to get to good health is to start from the most basic but also the most important organ, our GUT!  

Majority of the products do not have much or strong clinical research or scientific evidence relating specifically to their ingredients or formulation. Most are formulated with generic ingredients, often chosen with the lowest cost factor in mind, and boosted by creative marketing to promote their products.

From the study done, we could not find any truly effective products to address our issues. In final decision we took the big leap, and work with established manufacturers, such as Morinaga Milk Industry , to formulate a product which will be truly effective and safe : a product with extensive clinical studies that we can consume ourselves as well as to share with our families and loved ones for the long term. Thus RW Gut Care is born! 😊

It has been more than 5 years since RW Gut Care was born, and we are very proud to say Gut Care has brought tremendous joy and improved health, not only to ourselves but also to our families and our loved ones!

We have gained valuable health on ourselves with Gut Care. It is only right for us to pay it forward and share with the rest how they can also reap health benefits.

We believe that every human (or pets 😊) should have the right and access to good health, across all demographics, rich and the common, young and old etc. One of our challenge is to enable TRULY EFFECTIVE products yet at a relatively affordable price. Despite the very high costs of using super premium ingredients such as Morinaga’s Probiotics and Lactoferrin, we strive to keep Gut Care’s price as low as possible by going direct and online with our consumers, suppliers and manufacturers.

Misty Slope

Testimonials from some of our Gut-Happy Clients

Marie Ne

Chef/Artisan Baker

In my line of work, I have irregular meal times. I suffered from indigestion and feeling bloated after meals. After I took Gut Care for one month, I feel totally different. No more indigestion and bloatness. I found that my eczema problem has also improved.

Xaver P.

Swiss Food Scientist

Bought Gut Care for my close friend in France to try due to its clinical efficacies/claims. She had severe constipation, eczema and psoriasis issues for a long time. After taking Gut Care for two weeks, we can observe her condition has already improved greatly.

E. Quah

Senior Staff Nurse

Due to my long stressful working hours in the A&E department of a local hospital, I contracted severe urinary tract infection which led to kidney infection. Took antibiotics and recovered. However, it caused non-stop diarrhoea. Just two days after taking Gut Care, my diarrhoea stopped. Continued Gut Care for a month, I can feel much healthier and stronger gut, especially with my eating diet and bowels activities. I'm taking Gut Care on regular basis now for better health maintenance.

D. Chew

IT Engineer

I have a chronic constipation history. Was diagnosed with pre-diverticilitis symptoms, and may require surgery if condition worsen. Immediately started Gut Care daily over 2 months period. Condition greatly improved and given all clear by doctor since then.

Dorothy To

Occupational Therapist/Yoga Instructor

I have been taking Gut Care for several months, usually once or twice per week, as I believed in the benefits of probiotics for maintaining overall health. It has on some occasions helped me in settling my digestive disorders when I had more than my usual portion of meal or I took meals which is later than my usual timing. Gut Care comes in powder form - very easy to consume. And the sachets is convenient to have it in my bag. It's a must for me to bring along when I travel.


Shipping Owner

I am a sports enthusiast and do not have any major bowel or health issues. However, I still experienced differences after taking Gut Care. Going for #2 is now super stress-free and smooth daily affair!

Anne P.

Animal Activist

I bought Gut Care for myself, and also fed it to my own pets with great improvements in their poo and overall health. As I am also a volunteer with various adopted/strays associations, I bought additional Gut Care to feed these adopted strays due to their weak health.  After few weeks, I can observe their health and medical conditions improved greatly.

C. Jas

Business Owner

I have eczema issues for quite a long time. After learning the science behind Morinaga probiotics on alleviating eczema conditions, I decided to try it out. After a few weeks, I can see huge improvement in my skin health, as well as the quality of my bowels! I have a pet dog who has bowel issues and always release foul-smelling gases. After feeding him with these probiotics, his condition has greatly improved and no more foul smells!

We have GUT CARE our way to health. Have you GUT CARE yet?

Technical Downloads

Lists of Bifidobacterium Human Research Papers

Bifidobacterium longum BB536

Bifidobacterium breve M16V

Bifidobacterium infantis M63


Morinaga's Probiotic BB536 and M16V


Nutra Ingredients Asia Awards 2020



Nutra Ingredients Asia Awards 2019



GulFood Manufacturing 2018



Get yours now from our authorised retailers nearest to you!



2 Jurong East Street 21, #02-28, Singapore 609601




23 Serangoon Central, #04-57, Singapore 556083




68 Orchard Road, #04-08, Singapore 238839

Contact Us

7 Temasek Boulevard, Level 12, Suntec Tower One, Singapore 038987

+65 9122 3388

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